discipleship development

To be a disciple means “to be a learner, a follower.”  Accepting Jesus Christ as Savior is the first step. After which, one must learn to become  a follower of his teachings, his lifestyle, and his will.  In these gatherings, there is teaching and training so that believers mature in knowledge and experience.  The Great Commission mandates this: “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded…”

Sunday School

Classes are held every Sunday morning in an environment that fosters asking questions and joining in dialogue as the weekly Bible in life lesson is led by an instructor from the International Uniform Sunday School curriculum.


This team of men and women assist candidates in preparing for baptism by helping them in the baptism dressing areas, directing them to the pool area and back into the sanctuary.


Coming to a new church is like moving into a new neighborhood or starting a new job – it takes time to acclimate to the surroundings. This lesson led by the Senior Pastor is designed as a welcome encounter for all who become members of Freedom.  In it, the Senior Pastor shares his visions, goals, and an overview of Freedom’s personality and practices. After meeting with the Pastor, a new member must complete orientation classes.

Men of the Bible

Adult men who meet together weekly to study the Word and interact to plan and execute activities geared at getting the men in the church to become disciples of the Lord and servants in the church. This group does more than meet. They serve as worship assistants, mentors for the boys, provide security and assistance around the church.


W.O.W.  is a ‘middle-of-the-week’ spiritual fuel stop for believers to learn and engage the Bible.  W.O.W. has two distinct formats:  when meeting on Wednesday for Bible study the format is Word on Wednesday.  However, at various times throughout the year, a guest preacher and choir will join us for a mid-week worship, called Worship on Wednesday